The best thing about this software is that it converts the format of your video or audio file without compromising the video or sound quality at all. VLC Converter is one of the most popular media format converting tools used globally. So, let’s go through a list of the 3 best AAC file converter: VideoLAN VLC, Adobe Audition, Audacity.
In this situation, you may find two solutions, either change the media player and install the one that can play an aac file or convert your file format from aac to other popular and playable formats like MP3, WAV, etc. Sometimes, you might not be able to open your audio file that is in AAC format. Step 6: Select the Output destination and publish your file to share with friends and family.Step 5: Finish the editing and click the " output format" and select the.Step 4: Start the editing process of the stock file.Step 3: Select " Edit" from the menu ribbon.

If a song has DRM (Digital Rights Management), it can't be converted, since conversion could be a way to remove the DRM.

Tip: You can only convert songs from AAC to MP3 if they are DRM-free.
The AAC format is also being used as a default media format for many popular platforms like Apple iTunes, YouTube, iPods, etc. This audio format is a new generation audio format and much more advanced than the MP3 audio file format in terms of audio quality at a similar bit rate. Advanced Audio Coding file, which is abbreviated as AAC file, is an audio format that is based on lossy audio compression.