I hardly suggest that team in charged of Illustrator to resign.Ĭorel is a holy grail, not so many new features since corel 7 but is enough, even if is buggy, even if I curse them too with every new release and new bugs, it is 2 times better than Illustrator.
WTF to do in outdoor industry with less than 6m? How to work with pages in Ilustrator, pffff, they are better without that feature, they can't go over 5799 mm but they can make a similar page next to it?!!! How stupid is that? Try to make thousands of items in Illustrator and you will have an instant crash, or you can't work. And yes, agree with timothy, in engraving, laser cutting, outdoor printing, etc Corel is standard, Illustrator can't even go over 5779.55 mm.

In fact, the fastest way to make easy vectors in adobe suite is to shape them in photoshop and export paths, or in indesign, both are easier than illustrator to handle, simple and predictive way.

if you have alt pressed both sides are affected, after that you must reshape one of them, or if you click in middle to add a new point, like you do it in photoshop, after you move it remains straight line, again you must make x clicks even if i don't want that stupid point. They don't give you a proper way to shape even a basic stupid line, try to make a straight line curved without modifying the next segment. I never used Photo-Paint, yes, is a joke, a joke compared to Photoshop but I dare to say that is a powerful one, just not enough ergonomics and here we talk about Illustrator which is the vector program from adobe suite, Illustrator is also a joke compared to Corel in vector manipulations.